Teaching and learning at Marshall Laing is guided by the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC). The school provides curriculum coverage in the eight learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Social Sciences (includes Aotearoa New Zealand Histories), The Arts, Languages and Physical Education and Health. Marshall Laing also currently provides specialist teaching in te reo Māori, Science and Visual Art. Marshall Laing follows an Inquiry based approach to learning. Inquiry concepts are based on students' interests and needs and are a way of integrating learning areas and ensuring curriculum coverage over the year.
There is a strong focus on reading, writing and maths in the early years (0-3), as these important foundation skills support students as they progress through their years at school and through the curriculum levels. Children need strong reading, writing and mathematics skills to progress through the levels of the National Curriculum and be able to achieve NCEA Level 2 or above at secondary school.
For more information about the New Zealand Curriculum please click on the link below:
Our Curriculum
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
We currently cater for over 150 students on a daily basis from over 40 different nationalities.
The key areas of English language learning in the curriculum (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing), as well as inquiry concepts and school routines, are supported through additional small group teaching by specialist ESOL teachers. These group lessons support classroom programmes, helping our English language learners with learning new concepts and vocabulary.
Currently students work with teachers and teacher aides both in and out of their regular classroom. The content of these sessions enables them to identify and familiarise themselves with vital components of the programme The key areas of the curriculum (especially Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening, as well as integrated inquiry concepts and general school organisation) are focused on in various group combinations. The group sessions support the classroom programmes- enabling students a better understanding of language, vocabulary and concepts being covered in the year level focuses.
Currently students work with teachers and teacher aides both in and out of their regular classroom. The content of these sessions enables them to identify and familiarise themselves with vital components of the programme.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)
Marshall Laing Primary School uses Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) for encouraging and maintaining positive student behaviour. The programme is evidence-based and gives the students very clear and logical guidelines on how positive behaviour leads to successful learning.
The guiding principles of PB4L are:
1. Student misbehaviour can be changed through teaching
2. Environments can be adapted to change behaviour
3. Changing environments requires change in student and adult behaviour
4. Adult behaviour will change in a consistent and systematic manner
5. Systems of support are necessary for both students and adults
Learning at Home
Research suggests that "the most accurate predictor of a student's achievement in school is not income or social status but the extent to which that student's family is able to:
1. Create a home environment that encourages learning
2. Express high (but not unrealistic) expectations for their children's achievement and future careers
3. Become involved in their children's education at school and in the community”.
For information about the New Zealand Curriculum and how to support your child's learning:

Our Graduate Profile
TE RĀKAU is the name for our Graduate Profile. It outlines a set of skills, attitudes and values we want our students to develop over their six years at Marshall Laing.
TE RĀKAU is underpinned by four dimensions (ngā pou e whā) - whakawhanaungatanga, manaakitanga, rangatiratanga and mōhiotanga. TE RĀKAU features three stages of progression - HE KĀKANO (a seed), HE MĀHURI (a young sapling) and TE RĀKAU (the tree).
Our Learning